Friday 1 October 2010

Pinhole Evaluation

          The following is my evaluation into my pinhole camera experience. I will explain what I did, what I would do again and my reflection on how my work turned out.
            The first task was to make my camera which I found rather simple. The assembly was quick and effective for my work. The most time consuming factor was the painting as that took a long time to dry out which required assistance from a hair dryer and the toilet hand dryer. From then on the photograph making process was simple and enjoyable. The developing process has been something I have always wanted to do and it proved a bit more time consuming then I had expected. Each photo took around 13 minutes to develop by laying into the developer, stop and fixer liquids. After doing the practical work, we began blogging our work to the net because this is a simple and effective way of sharing work with the students and if need be global.
            If I did the pinhole camera task again, I would think more carefully about where I was shooting as it seemed I needed a flat and clear surface to capture from. I would also pick a bigger box so that I could take bigger pictures as I liked the look of other people’s bigger prints. I would possibly try to be more experimental as to how long to leave the print to expose as some photos turned out slightly dark. I would like to do bigger shots, maybe from a hill as much more could be captured within the cameras view.
            In all, I am happy with my work and feel both my camera and prints were a success. The process went well with no mistakes and the shooting process along with my worked out F-stop time went very well. I think two elements that would improve prints would be a more quiet location and a light area so no exposure time errors can occur.
            In conclusion, the pinhole camera task has been my favourite topic of the course so far. Everything seemed to flow well and it gave us our first look at blogging which is something we will be doing a lot from now on. I hope at one point in the next two years we return to doing pinhole images.

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